With some help from dmitch2k2, I’ve come to realize we aren’t always keeping the set of build system dependencies in the build system instructions here as up to date as we’d like.
Rather than commit to updating the PDF far more often – the best bet is to pull the most current dependencies from the git I use to make the base toolchain for our docker autobuild environment. This recipe is short and gets updated very quickly when DM and I find a new dependency.
Static link to ROOter build dependencies
That link will automatically stay up to date with the latest version currently being used in the autobuild system. The file contains every step necessry to take a basic Debian image and turn it into a working ROOter build environment, but the lines you need for the dependencies start with apt-get install.
To easily install all dependencies in one go, highlight all the apt-get install lines, leaving out the ampersands and backslash on the last line, copy the whole block, and paste the whole mess onto your command line. Don’t worry about the fact that it’s multiple lines, that’s what the backslashes take care of. Hit enter, and it will fetch all the dependencies in batches, and stop and tell you if there’s an error on any one batch. Don’t worry about ones you already have installed, it will just tell you it’s already current. Here’s an example of what to select:

I will add links to this page to the build system download pages and the forum as well. Hopefully this saves effort for folks.